Unleashing Hope
Through Animation
Welcome to the enchanting universe of Tribus Animus, where the captivating story of Luxx, a young alien from the Fons’ Tribus, unfolds. Crash-landing on Earth in the year 4043, Luxx faces a world unknown, stripped of his memory. As he grapples with self-discovery and purpose, Luxx realizes he is destined to fulfill a prophecy – one that foretells his role in uniting the Tribes of Animus and overthrowing the traitorous Fallax.
Based on teaching from: Emmanuel Griffin
Writer: Tonya Griffin
Visuals: RJ Ross
Unleashing Hope Through Animation
Together, let’s embark on a journey that transcends boundaries – both in storytelling and in making a positive impact in the lives of those facing challenges. Support our project and be one the first fans of a series that not only entertains, but also inspires, empowers, and brings hope to those who need it most.
Take the “What’s Your Tribus?” Quiz!
What Tribus Animus Tribe Are You?
Eager to know which Tribus Animus tribe you are a member of? This epic personality quiz will place YOU inside the world of Tribus Animus.
Meet the Main Characters
Luxx is the main character and is from the Fons Tribus. Before his time and long after the Battle of the Tribes (Tribus Bellum), he goes on an expedition to bring back artifacts to honor Fallax as the hero who saved Cor, but discovers who he really is–the Voxx. A fulfillment of an ancient prophecy foretold, he becomes the one to unearth the truth and save his species from the evil corroding their planet and the universe.
Unwilling to stand by and watch his species become weak and vulnerable to outside forces, Fallax has his own ideas of what would make a dominant race. He sets out to overthrow the current Alpha, whom he deems unfit to rule and lead their species in the way forward with a new and stronger future.
He is the Alpha Animus, leader of the Animus Tribus. Known for his strength and wisdom, he leads the Animus species in a reign of peace and harmony, until his untimely death when he is overthrown and beheaded.
LuuCida aka Luu is the best friend of Luxx and believes he is destined for more than just a mundane life among the other Fons animus in their region. She pushes him to step outside of his comfort zone, which will forever change the course of their lives. With her standing by his side, they face off against Fallax, who now rules as Alpha. Together, they set off to right the wrong that was done long before they were even born.